I used to love Tier scoots. They drove better than others in my city. For example Voi scoots had uneven acceleration and steering, trying to veer a bit too much left or right all the time. Those are safety issues, and Tier was doing better on all fronts. The physical part of their service, including […]
Tekijä: Joni
Here are a few driving schools that English-speaking students have been happy with in Helsinki area: CAP (12 or so locations in Helsinki and Espoo, at least Kamppi serves in English) Epic (7 locations in Helsinki, at least Kamppi serves in English) Street Smarts (Otaniemi, Espoo) Symppis (Kaisaniemi) Unreviewed ones offering service in English A+ […]

Whether you want to dress funky for Halloween or to spice any day of the week, here are the best costume shops in the greater Helsinki area. Best stores These have hundreds of outfits each, something for every occasion. They also provide plenty of items for magicians and other performers. Juhlamaailma – Multiple shops. In […]
Clarion Skyroom – 16th floor cafe / lounge / bar in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. A part of the Clarion Hotel. Lucy in the Sky – A rooftop restaurant in a skyscraper in Otaniemi, Espoo, right next to the metro station. Club Deportivo – A bar and lounge in the top of Kamppi shopping center, Helsinki. 10th […]
Summary: Ryanair made it purposefully hard to use their online check-in system in order to trick people into paying 40 euros for checking in at the airport. Wolt’s online ordering system’s flaws make it easy to miss items on your order, letting them charge 11,90 e to deliver a 1,50 e cheeseburger when you intended […]

”Tämän haluan kokea” oli ensimmäinen ajatukseni kuultuani jääkiipeilystä. Pyysin kaverini Iljan mukaan ja lähdimme selvittämään, miltä yli 10-metrisen Pirunkallion jääseinämän haastaminen tuntuu. Ostimme Adventure Partnersin nettikaupasta 65 euron hintaiset paikat jääkiipeilykokeiluun ryhmässä ja suuntasimme Pikkukosken rannalla sijaitsevan Pirunkallion juurelle. Meitä oli vastassa Tuomas, joka opasti meidät välineiden käyttöön ja muihin lajin saloihin. Hän oli mukava […]